Risk Management

Water, water, everywhere. Mitigating the risk.

Water. It's our most precious natural resource. And perhaps our most powerful. It's no surprise that 70% of all commercial insurance property claim dollars are related to water. But you can look to us to help mitigate risk and minimize the overall financial impact of water damage.

33% increase in water costs since 2010
40% of treated urban
water lost to leaks

Property damage. Business interruption. Reputation. Don’t risk it.

2/3 of businesses face substantial water risk in direct operations or in their value chain. Damages from water is the #1 cause of insurance claims in the US. It’s why we complete a professional risk assessment of your property and offers a solution to address your water leak and commercial flood exposure. The ROI is evident. In fact, mitigating water leaks can results in a long term insurance cost benefit. And that’s just a drop in the bucket.

InsureTek Case Studies

Making the Case for Insuretek.

The property damage from undetected water leaks and floods is the most frequent property loss that commercial buildings incur each year. See why so many clients are turning to InsureTEK to enhance risk management strategies.

Protecting Condominiums


Providing Coverage to Schools



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